Good Hair – Bad Hair

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I do not care for projection of your insecurities and issues, that have separated us as a people, onto my child. Shannon does not have light skin nor dark skin; she has skin. Shannon does not have “good hair nor bad hair”; she has hair. She isn’t beautiful because of either of these things. She is beautiful because she is a child of God.

My people we need to stop allowing these things to separate us; hinder us from the greatness that we are! By no longer comparing our physical ‘selves to each other, we can strip away the “demons”, the walls, which have divided us for far too long. It is then that we will thirst for knowledge and truth. It is then that our spirits shall be set free from todays lies and bondage… It is then that we shall come together, unite and stand.

My name is Ashley. I am a Black Mother with a Black child (with some other stuff sprinkled in ♥) And I approve this message.

Feel free to check out this movie regarding views on hair within the African American community. (Good Hair Bad Hair)

Video regarding views on Skin color in the Black community.

I AM A Badass Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment parenting, Pole dancing, Yogi Momma! And I inspire and empower women My WAY! Ms. Wrights Way