Transparency is the Best Testimony

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6a00d8341c011b53ef00e54f2b2eed8833-640wiI share not to “tell my business” nor start a “ooh that’s trifling” cosign but to encourage others to practice compassion, assess what’s inside themselves and either be grateful for being in a great space and/or acknowledge that there needs to be some change and growth of their own.

I pray that when I recount my trials, tribulations and my testimony, you receive a blessing because you see I once was lost and now I’m found.

I pray that I reach others who were once in my situation to receive comfort but most importantly strength in knowing they are not alone and there is a way out. There is BETTER! There is PEACE!

Like I’ve said before Transparency is the best Testimony!

No more sweeping these touchy subjects under the rug. This is what continues to keep us all in bondage, enslaved of the spiritual demons that have been casted upon our backs.

I do this for you, I do it for me, I do it for my daughter. We need a paradigm shift in today’s generation. I need us all to become INFORMED and AWARE and FELLOWSHIP

So, Whether it be one or many I assist that’s alright with me and its alright with my God.

If you are worried about me, you need not be and look inwards as to why you do worry. <>

Appreciate my walk and that of others who still struggle with heavy times: abuse, drugs, poverty etc.

Expose and call it out for what it is. It is only then that you can be released and move towards God’s favor.

It’s not about publicizing your business, it’s about not being ashamed so you can release yourself from bondage and be a blessing to others.

I AM A Badass Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment parenting, Pole dancing, Yogi Momma! And I inspire and empower women My WAY! Ms. Wrights Way