Keep Space

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This holiday season I became aware of something really powerful and was ever so reminded about the importance of being present to stay connected with self and others around you; including your children.

The message here is to KEEP SPACE. Circumstances at times tend to derail us from holding onto joy. So be reminded to Keep space for all that you desire and that serves you in growth and love.

PLEASE SHARE! Someone needs to hear this.

So eternally grateful for my healer, so that I can also be a healer for others. Glad she doesn’t care what I sound like or if I can play a guitar… All she resonates with is the love.

Shout out to Tunde for this kitchen – Who knew it would bring such a lesson?!

Songs playing in the Background:
Miss Jill Scott – Hear My Call
SPZRKT – Share The World

#mswrightsway #faith #love #keepspace

I AM A Badass Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment parenting, Pole dancing, Yogi Momma! And I inspire and empower women My WAY! Ms. Wrights Way