I Am Strong | Domestic Violence Awareness
I Am Strong
I am strong because after being abused while pregnant, the doctor said I was going to miscarry (my abuser sitting next to me). That night, I held my stomach and spoke to her, “If we are going to do this together, I need you to stop..”; instantly, I bled no more.
I am strong because while pregnant I learned to protect my child even from myself; and that meant acknowledging the pain that dwells within me that tolerates pain from others, seeking help, and finally escaping the relationship.
I am strong because I moved back under my parents roof; Because providing my child with a stable environment surrounded with a loving village took precedence over my “own space”.
I am strong because I delivered my child all-natural, with no epidural and no birthing classes (I couldn’t afford them). So I learned to call upon the powers of all my ancestors; the mothers and women before me and around me. I trusted my body. I trusted her.
I am strong because I knew when to reach out to someone like Jennifer Croker, in order to get custody of my daughter; fighting past the anxiety and fear to ensure the safety and well-being of myself and of my child.
I am strong because I receive no form of support nor physical presence from her father yet, I choose to not project any feelings of abandonment, insecurity nor discontent but only of peace, security and happiness; Being the filter. Because we are okay, we are supported and we are loved.
I am strong because I’ve chosen not to be sexually intimate since the conception of my daughter to strengthen my faith, clear my life of distraction, pursue growth, so I can hear God’s voice clearer; to order my steps.
I am strong because living in a world in which superficial and artificial is the norm, I embrace and seek all that is natural and true.
I am strong because I endured an extremely abusive relationship yet continued to demonstrate grace under pressure.
I am strong because, despite my trials and not having my ideal circumstances, I wake up smiling ready to seize the day. Not just for Shannon, not to portray my life is perfect, but because I choose to focus on my blessings and show others they can do the same.
I am strong because I am a survivor.
I am strong because I am a mother.
And if nothing else, I AM STRONG and I AM BEAUTIFUL simply because I Am Human!
– Ashley Wright