Are Cribs Necessary?

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There we are pregnant (we because my mom acts as if this baby is hers), wobbling and leaning. We just can’t wait to decorate, paint, put up some pictures, write the baby’s name on the wall, maybe opt for a pleasing wallpaper, and assign the best color scheme. Yet, the most important and the most exciting purchase is…? *drumroll* You guessed it, the crib!
My mother and I spent countless hours searching, walking, store representative questioning, Babies”R”us cruising all in search for that perfect crib. Hell we even thought about getting a custom one built. O_o.
But praise be to God, we found that perfect crib. Spent even more hours trying to find the luxurious cute comforter set. And guess what? Shannon doesn’t even sleep in it. Never has…wait I lied; I think maybe once. I’m ashamed to even mention how much I paid for it.
I was actually speaking to a friend of mine about this the other day. She told me that she managed to get a crib for her little girl from the Macy’s website. Apparently, she was even able to use a promo code to get some money off her purchase.
Accordingly, if you are thinking of buying a new crib for your little one from Macy’s you might want to take a look to see if there are any coupons available first by using websites like this one: I wish I had known about this before as I might have been able to save myself some money!
Anyway, when mothers, especially mothers who plan on co-sleeping and attachment parenting, ask me about cribs, I explain to them that it is best to shop around so that you do not end up wasting any money. For some babies, a crib is not even necessary, especially in the infant stages of childhood. I recommend a co-sleeper or a weighted sleep sack like those mentioned at
Sometimes, babies are awkward and won’t sleep in anything due to a lack of routine. In this case, it may not be the crib that’s the problem and sleep training for babies is needed instead. Don’t give up on your crib before trying Huckleberry’s sleep training program; after all, you’ll have spent a lot of money on the perfect one!
As a single mom, I do not mind Shannon sleeping with me nor do I have to share space with a significant other, so her sleeping in my bed is not an issue. If you have a partner that you share a bed with and plan on having your child sleep in a separate bed early then sure buy a crib. And if you are balling out of control, go crazy with it like the one pictured here. However if you ask me… definitely a waste of monies!
I AM A Badass Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment parenting, Pole dancing, Yogi Momma! And I inspire and empower women My WAY! Ms. Wrights Way
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