Breast Cancer Awareness via Breastfeeding Awareness

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It is no secret that in the United States, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Breast cancer is also the second leading cause of death among women. So for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the awesome and talented photographer Michael Oliver teamed up with Shannon and me to help spread awareness.

Shannon and I threw on our pink to make a loud statement and educate. We want women to be informed not only of the disease but also of risk factors and prevention. Getting diagnosed with this disease is certainly one of the toughest things one can go through, but being aware of its treatment and post-recovery can be of great help for anyone involved. We also want to make them informed about the breast surgery they can undergo in a reputed Denver breast augmentation clinic or from the one in their vicinity, which can help them get their breast size back.

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, it is a huge shock and upset to everyone around them, that is why it is incredibly important for everyone to throw their support behind those going through it. Over time they will be faced with a lot of decisions, they’ll be put on various medications, and some will even look at self-medicating with alternatives that can aid in pain relief, this could be in the form of herbal tablets, medical marijuana, or something a bit milder like CBD which they can now Buy CBD gummies UK online if needed. All of this comes together and is part of their journey, so making that journey easier for them is essential.

According to Susan G. Komen Prevention Fact Sheet (, “In a pooled analysis of data from 47 studies, mothers who breastfed for a lifetime total of one year were slightly less likely to get breast cancer than those who never breastfed. Mothers who breastfed for a lifetime total of TWO years got about TWICE the benefit of those who breastfed for a total of one year. Women who breastfed for a lifetime total of more than two years got even more benefit!”

So what’s the lesson here… Breastfeed! And if mutually desirable between mother and child, Breastfeed beyond infancy!

I AM A Badass Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Attachment parenting, Pole dancing, Yogi Momma! And I inspire and empower women My WAY! Ms. Wrights Way

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