Stop Censoring Breastfeeding – STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
So I have had quite thee adventurous past few days with social media.
I have to keep taking deep breaths and be still moments even as I write this out, due to the frustration that the world I live in, backed by the power of social media, cant stand to see a breastfeeding mother; dare I say a Black Breastfeeding Mother.
On Wednesday, July 15th, 2014 I posted this video on Instagram and shared it on my personal FB page, via my FB like page: MsWrightsWay with the caption – “These breastfeeding Babies mean business”
“Kids these days… Demanding little things aren’t they?! Sheesh. *emojis* GOOD MORNING FROM #cosleeping #breastfeeding land! #mswrightsway”
This video was soon reported and FB removed it stating that it was NUDITY. Not only did they remove it they “temporarily disabled my account for 7 days”, which took down my event page for World Breastfeeding Week, and requested I submit Government issued Identification if I want to keep my account. I complied and submitted identification, yet still could not log in and no one could even search for my name… sigh
As you can see in the video, not once did I show my bare breasts nor was I even breastfeeding her to stir controversy.
So I decided to share my thoughts on the matter while Shannon was nursing.
Breastfeeding makes me feel like I can take on anything!
I then posted this video, which spread like wildfire, reaching 2.9 million people.
However, I woke around 4:30AM Pacific Standard Time to an UNPUBLISHED FB Page and another notification to verify my identity to keep my page open. I did all that I could to appeal and submit that they took me down in error. The “appeal” link didn’t work, so I went and submitted my appeal message via feedback page. I then was left to contact friends and breasties about what was happening to me.
My Appeal
Good Morning Facebook Staff!
I am unaware as to why my FB page, Ms. Wrights Way, has been unpublished, as I have completely complied with ALL of the Page Policies and Community Guidelines.
My page is in advocacy of natural parenting/Breastfeeding and does NOT show any nudity, outside of what others flag and report as nudity, which are breastfeeding photos and video.
The use of this page is to reach out in support of families; especially with those of whom I closely physically identify with. As we can all agree mothers and babies need the most support and the best step is in support of giving a baby the best start, through breastmilk.
I show no genitalia, of any kind, nor any bare nipple. Any time a breast is in view is either in clothes or with a baby latched. I also NEVER show any genitalia of children.
When asked to review content before on my page, I checked the box confirming that no pictures of any kind violate community guidelines; As I am certain that breastfeeding photos do not violate them.
It clearly states that FB ALLOWS breastfeeding photos.
“Yes. We agree that breastfeeding is natural and beautiful and we’re glad to know that it’s important for mothers to share their experiences with others on Facebook. The vast majority of these photos are compliant with our policies.
Please note that the photos we review are almost exclusively brought to our attention by other Facebook members who complain about them being shared on Facebook.”
I am very saddened and do not understand what has occurred nor why I have received these restrictions, as I make every effort to comply to maintain a FB page that promotes love, parenting and community outreach; including obtaining more moderators for the page to ban and delete comments that are vulgar, sexually explicit, hate speech and/or personal threats and attacks.
Please review the page once more and remove the restrictions as I am sure you will find that I have yet to violate any of FB rules, guidelines and policies. Please uphold your statements on your guidelines regarding breastfeeding as I have upheld my agreement to follow them.
Thank you for you time and consideration,
Ashley Wright
Interestingly enough, I did notice they allowed me to log into my original profile. I checked out that profile and it appears as soon as it went live, I went under attack. One by one every breastfeeding photo was being reported.
Take a look at the pics…
Sunday August 10, 2014 – Facebook has once again decided breastfeeding is inappropriate by Unpublishing my page at almost 20K likes!
Yet again FB has not upheld nor stood by their community guidelines that breastfeeding photos are allowed.
Here is my most recent video that was last posted and then shortly after 1,000 shares, my page was taken down
This has got to stop!
I refuse to let this go on any longer!! The bullying that FACEBOOK enforces and allows, not only to my page but others who advocate for#breastfeeding and natural parenting, NEEDS TO STOP NOW!
How dare they label and spread the message to the masses that breastfeeding is PORNOGRAPHIC?! How dare they think that I/WE shall be silenced and discouraged from the plight of UNITING THE FAMILY!
I need you all to stand with me now!! LET THEM HEAR US ROAR!!!
(please leave a comment below and/or make a public post that shows your support!)
Share my story with every news outlet! They gon learn today!
#BringBackMsWrightsWay #Justice4MsWrightsWay #INeedMsWrightsWay
FACEBOOK says they allow breastfeeding photos and it’s been proven that is a LIE! (“the lie detector determined that was a lie” << In my Maury voice)
Seriously though, this is like my 219382148th block and ban for breastfeeding! 😐