We ALL Are the Cover Art for Queen by Raheem DeVaughn
I never thought I would be doing this. I never knew this was who I would become and I most certainly never thought my daughter and I would be cover art for the great 3 time Grammy Nominated R&B/Soul singer Raheem DeVaughn.
It was to much surprise when he initially told me that he wanted said picture to be the single cover. Skeptical to add my daughter and I to a song I had never heard, I requested that I hear the song first; I heard the song and got the chills.
Shannon immediately swayed and bounced to the powerful serenity of his voice and the musical chords had us sashaying around my room. I felt uplifted, desired, honored and acknowledged.Overwhelmed with excitement, I agreed and proceeded to seal the deal.
We spoke about the words to the song and how beautiful they are: “Queen, Queen, Queen. You’re my Queen,” Along with acknowledging other mothers and daughters online to bring attention to a song that deserves to be #1 worldwide; a song that speaks life into women of all ages through prose. (WOW! Im on the phone with Raheem DeVaughn – super cool)
I can say it has been an interesting journey for Shannon and I, and to see our faces downloaded to many mobile devices and shared all over the world has been nothing short of an ego trip. However, I look at it as a way to stamp and confirm that us women are awesome and it’s a definite win for all the badass breastfeeding, natural parenting, attachment parenting, babywearing #QUEEN mamas all over the globe. Motherhood is SEXY! Motherhood is COOL! And celebrities are acknowledging just how awesome it is.
When I asked Raheem to give me a statement about why he chose us he said,
“I picked Ashley and her daughter for the album cover artwork because I watch & love how she fights for the human rights of her daughter and all mothers and children globally. Plus the fact that Shannon is hands down cute as a button! Ha…#Queenx2”
Please do listen and purchase the song available on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify (It is the first single off DeVaughn’s forthcoming album “Love, Sex and Passion,” due in February 2015).